Spreds Pro
Your digital investors management system: from fundraising to online general meetings, organise your business the easy way.
Who is Spreds?
Since 2011, Spreds has been providing their three digital services to over 400 international companies and associations in order to help them manage more than 35,000 stakeholders.
With eGovernance, international associations and companies with over 100 members or shareholders can organize their general meetings easily and in a legally valid manner, while taking 5× less time (and therefore cost) than before.
With eFundraising and ePooling, companies can reduce the cost of fundraising and investor management by a factor of 3, thanks to a digital pooling process and vehicle.
Our Modules
Discover our digital tool and its various applications.
Spreds now offers its eFundraising platform to ambitious projects to enable them to manage their investors efficiently, flexibly and securely, regardless of their number or type (crowd, local community, customers, employees, business angels, FFF,…) and this for half the traditional costs!
Spreds now offers its ePooling tool to ambitious scale-ups to allow them to manage their investors in an efficient, flexible and secure way, whatever their number or type (business angels, employees, FFF,…) and this for half the traditional costs! Focus on your business and outsource your investor management to us.
Spreds now offers eGovernance, its digital meeting management tool, to organizations that have too many members to handle and that wish to hold valid meetings while saving significant time (5× faster).
BrochureeFundraising for Professionals
Spreds is now making its eFundraising tools available to professionals to allow their clients to manage efficiently, flexibly and securely their fundraising and their existing or future investors, whatever their number or type (crowd, business angels, employees, FFF,…) and this for half the traditional costs! Increase your revenue or margin by outsourcing your clients’ fundraising or investor management to us.
BrochureePooling for Professionals
Spreds now offers its ePooling tool to professionals to allow them to manage efficiently, flexibly and securely the pooling of their investors’ tickets, regardless of their number, at half the traditional costs! Reduce your costs or increase your revenues by outsourcing your investor management to us.